3D movies are a norm at this point and time, with the technology ever-evolving for the better. Most people watch 3D movies and are a fan of it. There are benefits to watching movies on 3D projectors at home. Watching movies from the projector makes it worthwhile and more entertaining. Projectors tend to give images that are realistic and lifelike, especially for gamers. The 3D projectors, in most cases, comes with a superior resolution that gives quality compared to a normal projector.
The good thing with the 3D projectors is that it allows you to configure the screen images. The images on the screen from 3D projectors tend to be comfortable on your eyes with reduced eyestrain. Getting a 3D projector is not hard with so many 3D ready projectors in the market. The compact design allows the projector to save your space. It’s easy to carry the projector around, especially when installing it. If you want to hang out camping with your friends, the 3D projector is the right choice for best entertainment.
You can indeed watch 3D movies on a projector but not all projectors. There are special 3D ready projectors that are designed for 3D projection. Before buying any projector, you have to know more about the 3D capability and how it works with the projectors.
How To Watch 3D Movies On A Projector Easily? (Follow Steps)
What Is 3D Movie Projector Technology?
3D technology has hit the market in a great it has become the hit of the day in entertainment. The technology used to create 3D is quite special, with so many people in love with it. In order to make the 3D phenomenon, a slightly different image is delivered to each eye. The images presented well in the eye come as one mage, which is not the case. To achieve great 3D special glasses are used. When it comes to using the projector to see 3D content, the projector has to be special. The 3D glasses enable your brain to see the overlapping images as one and create a deep illusion.
Delivering great images on the screen when using the projector depends mainly if the projector is 3D dedicated. For 3D content, the anaglyph images and glasses are ways to deliver the 3D effect. When the 3D was being introduced in the market in the earlier years, it came with red and blue glasses and were very popular. The glasses worked very well to revive the 3D content, which is still the same at this but more enhanced 3D viewing. The glasses work by filtering the images composed of two identical color layers to create an illusion. The Anaglyph technology is still presently used and works well with all content. No matter where the technology is use (TV or projector)
The Anaglyph technology is good and still use, but its quality is the poorest 3D quality from where the technology has reached. The system has changed, and new ways of showing 3D content have emerged and way better and clearer than you could imagine. Most of the cinematic 3D we experience today is achieved through polarizing systems. It sends the light from the projector through the polarizing filters that then force the light waves to oscillate in two different directions. One of the light waves is meant for the left eye, and the other light wave for the right eye. When using the polarizing system, a special preserving screen is needed.
The filters on the glasses allow the lenses to pick light passively meant for each eye. With this move, the brain then combines both images on the watching eye to form one unique image, and that’s 3D. The color is enhanced, and the cross talk is eliminated with the polarizing method. With this method in use, the brightness is reduced since each eye picks half the screen’s light. Some theatres use two separate polarized projectors to compensate for reduced brightness. The 3D ready projectors are available in the market and are meant to be used for 3D content, and all you have to get is the active shutter glasses. The use of glasses is likely to remain the standard for all 3D DLP projector for a long time.
The shutter glasses help in maintaining bright images on the screen with nearly impossible to have cross-talk. The only problem is that the brightness is affected no matter what than the 2D (its dimmer). For the best of 3D, it’s recommended you get a projector that is 3D ready and have a high number of lumens. All the 3D DLP projectors use a DLP Link protocol and sync the glasses to the screen. Watching 3D movies on the projector is not hard as long as it is a ready 3D projector. It does not work with just any projector, it has to be compatible.
4K UHD vs. 3D Projection
4K UHD is one of a king with a superb result at the end of the day. 4K is so with 4096 by 2160, which is 4 times the previous standard for digital editing. 4 k refers to the horizontal pixels count and roughly four thousand. It’s a good number of pixels that affect the image display on the screen. UHD is the step next from Full HD, which is more powerful. Full HD resolution is 1920 by 1080p.
The 4K standard is not just the resolution. It defines 4k content in a more encoded way. The Ultra High definition at some point is referred to as the 4k UHD, which we are going to find out more about ahead.
The UHD quadruples the resolution by 3840 by 2160, which is slightly lower than the 4k resolution. 4K UHD not the same as the 4k resolution but referred to as 4kin on almost all devices that use it. The 4k UHD projection delivers incredible images on the screen no matter where you are using it. Its aspect ratio is around 1.78; 1. 4K UHD is the term used by manufacturers to describe the Ultra high definition resolution and differentiate it from the actual 4k resolution. 3D projection, on the other hand, works in a special way. Like many technologies used on devices, it’s for the better entertainment of the customers. For the users to see 3D content, they have got to have special glasses named 3D glasses. The glasses help combine two different images sent for the left eye and right eye to form one. No matter which side you look at, the image you will see in 3D.
3D and Home Theater Receivers
3D has captured lots of entertainment devices and people. When watching 3D content on the screen, the next thing you need is a sound system that makes the whole experience better. There are lots of high-end home theatre receivers out and sound better than expected. 3D content requires a device that is 3D enabled to work well with them. For this, you may have to consider the projector that is 3D and also the sound system that is 3D enabled. Not all the sound system devices in the market are 3D enabled, and you may have to look carefully. The 3D projector delivers amazing 3D content with stunning images.
That’s not enough for home entertainment. The sound should as well be good, and getting a home theatre receiver is inevitable. An excellent example of a receiver for home use is SR7012. It has 9 inbuilt amplifiers that deliver great sound. Also, there are an additional two subwoofers and preamp outputs for connecting external amplifiers and expand the SR7012 sound system.
The system supports lots of speakers and surrounds system, including Dolby Atmos and others. The receiver is good for video since it’s also 3D. Well, the fantastic thing with the home theatre receiver is that it’s able to do a variety of things, including 4k upscaling of sound. The SR7012 is just one of the many receivers that work to bring home entertainment with 3D technology. Look for the best receiver to enjoy more 3D content on your big screen. Above all, the 3D and the Home Theater Receiver work hand in hand to deliver an exceptional cinematic experience at home.
How To Make The 3D Viewing Experience Comfortable?
Once you have chosen or decided on the projectors on the market that is suitable for 3D use at home, you have made the first step. Make sure you get the best quality in terms of comfort and image when watching movies and gaming. 3D, as we have already known, works in a special way. As humans, we are able to perceive depth because the right and left eye see things differently o the same item.
The brain then synthesizes to create a scenario known as stereoscopic vision. Well, the concept here is the foundation of 3D video as all 3D content relies on the same scene of the left and the right eye. The 3D glasses are used to combine the images created on the left eye and the right eye to form an image that is seen by both the left and the right eye. The capacity to be able to produce a 3D video is both comfortable to view with reduced eyestrain.
To make your 3D viewing experience better:
- Make sure you have all the 3D elements needed for it.
- Get the right projector meant for 3D not just to support certain 3D content but all 3D content.
- Look for 3D glasses that are the latest to achieve maximum 3D performance.
Like we have seen, the sound system also is important.
Movies are some of the entertainment activities that you will never miss in a household. It has the best entertainment idea that captivates many to watch. The medium in which you watch the movie determines if you will enjoy the movie. Projectors apart from TVs are known to be one of the best for home entertainment. What makes it achieve its reputation is the huge screen image, image quality, and color display. Projectors tend to make you feel part of the movies with their features. It is bigger than a 60-inch flat-panel TV and portable for you. If you are in love with movies like many of us, the 3D experience is what you need.
To get the right 3Dprojector, you must be ready to spend on it. Get the right projector capable of 3D display and enjoy your movies time with friends and family. If you have failed in getting the best 3D experience on the projector, you may as well use a 3D TV and pair it with the blue-ray disc player to enjoy. 3D experience is not limited to just one projector but a variety of different projectors in the market. It’s up to you to get one that is suitable for you.
Myself Ruby Vivian, I am a BIGGER-screen enthusiast and I can’t lie. Served as an electric technician for 7 years now, and I loveee what I do. You can learn more about me here.